
A Lazy Afternoon

'A Lazy Afternoon' brings to mind a lazy hot day in summer, possibly starting with a short drive out to somewhere pleasant for an afternoon's picnic. It is accepted that a drive out is now something many would choose to avoid, especially at busy weekends, but one can perhaps dream of open un-cluttered roads with no rush to get there.

As such, this piece is ideal for the local summer fete. It has a gentle style that so befits an English village fete, recalling an era when things did not need to be so immediate and may thereby help to give a perfect respite from the everyday 'rush and tear'.

As with many of Wobbleco's pieces, this is aimed at the average town and village band, and is within the reasonable playing capabilities of its members.


£25 + £5.00 postage for UK
£25 + £8.00 postage for Europe
£25 + £12 postage for Rest of the World

Small Picture of Score

